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My Last Day in Lima

Even though I just switched host families, it's time that I switch again. Except this time I'm switching cities. Yep, I'm moving to...

TRIP #2 (trip to Northern Peru)

I will be posting about this trip as I did the first trip, VLOGS! Here on this page are all of the Vlogs from the second trip that are...

Long-Awaited Sleepover

My friends Claudia, Kate and I had been trying to plan a sleepover for literally months. And the time finally came that we could have an...

Moving Day: Changing Families

Something I really didn't expect to come, but eventually came, was moving day. The day where I had to switch host families. In my Rotary...

Feliz Navidad

!Feliz Navidad! To my surprise, they actually celebrate Christmas totally different here in Peru. The thing that's most different is that...

Pre-Christmas/Post-Prom Weekend with Friends

Once I had recovered from Prom, it was time to get back out with my friends again! I first got out on Friday night to go see a movie with...


To say the least... This is one prom I will never forget. It all started at 7:30 am when I woke up. Little did I know, I would not be...


This is the day I had been waiting for so long. I GRADUATED! Too bad it wasn't the real thing and I still have a year and a half of high...

Trip Back to the US

Something that I did not expect to happen during exchange- making a trip back home. The reason I went back, that many people are...

Dancing for the School for el dia de los logros

For school, some of my friends and I had a dance we had to perform. It was for the dia de los logros, which is basically all of us having...

Peru v. Costa Rica

This was one soccer game that definitely did not go as planned. Throughout the day, my classmates and I had been talking about how we...

Mail Mail MAIL

I thought I would dedicate a blog post to how much I LOVE mail. It is my favorite thing in the entire world and nothing makes me excited...


Recently, I have gained an immense amount of independence out of no where. And it seems to just keep growing and growing. It all started...


I was already going back to school tired. But many things topped the cake on what made this a… day. First, I naturally woke up around...


It had just been a normal Monday at school, starting off the week. I knew it was coming at some point, but I didn't know when and I...

Friend-Filled Weekend

To say the least, I was very pleasantly surprised with how my weekend went. It all started out on Saturday morning with weekly Spanish...

Catching Up

I just wanted to make a quick little post for anyone who's been keeping up with my blog. I have had many blog posts saved in my drafts...

3 Month Mark (aka DEPRESSION)

depression that's it ok not really I recently hit the 3 month mark of being on exchange. Very soon I will hit the 100 day mark. Holy moly...

Weekend of Service Projects

What a wonderful weekend I had full of service projects! That's one thing I do like about the Rotary here, is that they keep us exchange...

EEUU v. Peru

A not so regular futbol game that so many Peruvians had been anticipating for a long time finally came- the United States vs. Peru. My...

2018 by Caroline Boyd

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