For school, some of my friends and I had a dance we had to perform. It was for the dia de los logros, which is basically all of us having to show off everything that we've learned throughout the schoolyear. This was of course for dance class.
We spent a while on this dance, and I really didn't think we would get it done on time for the performance, but we did and it ended up being pretty good!
We started learning and practicing the dance on Monday, and then we performed it on Thursday. It was really nice, especially for me, because we got to get out of class to go practice the dance. It wasn't until Wednesday that we all had to stay after school together to really finish it. That rehearsal was like the dress rehearsal for all of the performances of that day.
So come Thursday, we were somewhat ready to go. All of our dance had been choreographed and learned, we had our outfits picked out. But we had a medley of songs, and we hadn't yet danced to the final product of that yet. We didn't end up dancing to it until our actual performance. That was a little stressful, but it all worked out just fine. Most of the day, we had been in our class preparing other things for the day. In our classroom was a booth for everyone of our courses, and so many people were assigned to each booth. I just kind of floated around helping out whoever needed help until we had to leave.
When we actually had to leave to go dance, we got ready, and then we came out ready to perform in front of the whole school. So we did the dance, and it actually went well! I wasn't sure about how it would go, but it really couldn't have gone any better! All of our classmates also told us we did really good, and that was really nice. There also ended up being videos of us in more places on social media that I had really expected. So people liked it!
Afterwards, we had to go back to our classrooms and be with our booths. All of the parents came in throughout the day to see what we had put together- and overall what we had all learned throughout the year. Some of the luckier people got to go home early with their parents. I stayed the whole normal school day, as did some of my other classmates.
We all had a really good time together! By the time everything was over, everyone kind of just hung out. I ate some salchipapa with Fernanda, and then everyone else was relaxing in the classroom. We played things like Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, just the classic what I call slumber party games. We did all of that up until we finally got to leave school.
El Dia de los Logros turned out to be a fun and relaxing day! It didn't seem like it would go that way, but I'm very glad it did.
