Recently, I have gained an immense amount of independence out of no where. And it seems to just keep growing and growing.
It all started one night when I was helping my family prepare for dinner. We needed an Inca Kola for drinks, but we didn't have any. So they sent me out to go buy a bottle of Inca Kola. I just went to a little store on the sidewalk that's not quite a block away from my building. It wasn't much of anything, but it was about 8 pm and I was going out of my house for the first time alone. I felt so excited in that moment.
The next time I got to go out again was to take Scotty for a walk one night. We weren't gone very long, but I walked with him across the street and up and down the sidewalk for at least 10 minutes. I also had to pick up his poop. So that wasn't the most fun, and I wasn't technically alone since I was with Scotty, but it was close enough.
These are just a few little things that have led to bigger things. Things like transporting myself alone and not depending on my host parents to drive me everywhere- such as using taxis and buses. I'm still very dependent on them for some things, but at the same time it's a lot more convenient for them when I am able to safely get myself around. Moves are being made.