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3 Days...

I leave in 3 days! I'm going to be honest, as excited as I am, I have never been more stressed. But I've done it all to myself. I had to...


My biggest mistake made throughout this process? Procrastinating packing... As I've been keeping up with all of these blogs, I've been...

Trip to Chicago

Right now I am on my way home from Chicago. Now you might be thinking, how nice, a little trip to Chicago before I leave right? No. I had...

Vaccine Fun

Many a shot have gotten in the last couple weeks. Because I am going to South America, where there are many diseases I do not want, I...

Keeping up with Blog Posts

It has been a long while since I last updated this blog. It's hard to keep up with when you're busy... I last talked on here about the...

Calvin Conference

This post is only going to be the beginning of my elaboration on the Calvin College Conference in Grand Rapids Michigan. It went all day...

Ava's Bon Voyage Party

My good friend and foreign exchange partner, Ava, is headed off to Indial, Brazil next year while I will be spending my time in Lima,...

A Day of Pointless Paperwork

Attaining a visa and all of the paperwork that goes into a year abroad is no piece of cake, let me tell you. And it's especially...

All "IN" Statewide Conference and Crazy Weekend

This past weekend was such a blur. It was the debut of our play at school, "Notorious", as well as the All "IN" Statewide Conference for...

Learning Spanish...

*This post was drafted a while back, but I'm not sure what date it is from. Basically, keep note that Mr. Fahl's birthday is not on April...

Finding My City & Host Family

This post has been sitting in my drafts for a while since I have been so swamped recently, but after a hectic... I can't really give a...

Outbound Conference!

This updating the blog thing is a lot to keep up with... mostly because my fingers don't like to type as fast as my brain would like them...

The First Post... A Synopsis

Yippee! My first blog post of many to come. I've been working on this website for a few days, and I now think I have it set up how I...

2018 by Caroline Boyd

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