A not so regular futbol game that so many Peruvians had been anticipating for a long time finally came- the United States vs. Peru.
My friend, Dani, had a reunion at her house with some of my classmates to watch the game. That day, I went to her house after school and hung out until everyone else started coming over around 6. That gave me some time to get decked out in my Peru futbol jersey. Yes, I was rooting for Peru. The game was scheduled to start at 6:30, but didn't actually end up starting until about 6:30. To start everything off, they of course had the national anthems. All of my friends very passionately sang their national anthem, I very passionately sang mine. You can imagine what that could mean. We also had some very tasty snacks to eat!
Finally the game started. I'm not going to lie, it was a kind of boring game to watch. Not much was going on. Neither teams seemed to be going after the ball much and it was mostly just a bunch of passing the ball around in the middle of the field. After a while, the US scored a goal. We were all pretty bummed about it, although everyone was confused as I was sitting there with everyone going "awww".
So finally the game was starting to get interesting. Of course, we were doing other things to keep ourselves entertained during the game. That consisted of music, dancing, eating, gambling. The normal Peruvian things... Peru also eventually scored a point more towards the end of the game. There was an added 3 minutes of overtime to try breaking the tie, but it just didn't happen. The game ended with a 1-1 score.
For dinner, we ordered a bucket of KFC chicken, paired with some French fries and Inca Kola of course. I stuck around for a little bit after the game had ended just to hang out. It really was a great night with some great friends.