I was already going back to school tired. But many things topped the cake on what made this a… day.
First, I naturally woke up around 5:30 from the sunrise. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun was beaming into my room, even with the blinds down. The amount of sun exposure just made me the happiest person in the world, and I had a great morning.
Just as the first class of the day is starting, a bird flies in, of course first to the corner that I'm sitting in. And it poops. I thought I saw it, but I couldn't see any poop anywhere. The darn bird was in the classroom for about 20 minutes. Trying to find it's way out. I felt bad but at the same time we opened all of the doors and windows. How dumb can this little bird be?
Finally, one of my classmates tried getting it to leave. And his final solutions was just grabbing the bird as it was sitting a putting it back outside. It took long enough for some of the crazy things some of my classmates had been doing to try getting the bird out.
So then class goes on, until by friend Jefre, who sits by me in class, points out that I have poop on my shirt. Great. So this bird did poop, I just didn't see it because it pooped on me. At least it got on the back of my shirt and not my hair or something. Once class finally ended and break came around, I went into the bathroom and changed out of my shirt and just kept my sweatshirt on. I was really hoping that none of the teachers would be able to tell I didn't have my shirt on underneath my sweatshirt. Thankfully they didn't.
But, by the time the end of the day came, I was toasty. With it being literally the sunniest day I had ever experienced in Lima, it was a hot day. For my last class of the day, we just watched a movie. I got to the point after rolling my sleeves up and everything, that I simply could not take the heat anymore. So I took my sweatshirt off (don't worry, I had a tank top on underneath), and just kept it over my shoulders for the rest of class, until we had to leave. How there were people in my class that still had their sweatshirts and jackets on, I do not know.
So after school, I rode home in my movilidad. We took a stop in Chorrillos that overlooks the beach to wait to pick up somebody else. It was great! With it being such a beautiful day between the sun and breeze, I was so thankful to spend some time outside. The lady of my movilidad bought us all some ice cream as well, which was so sweet. And delicious.
We were only there for about 10 minutes, but it was great. I finally got home, a little later than normal, but it was fine.
I then had to go home, and explain to my host mother that a bird had pooped on me at school and that I had to wash my shirt again, even though I had just washed it the day before. It was quite an eventful day I had. Always keeping things interesting.
