This was one soccer game that definitely did not go as planned.
Throughout the day, my classmates and I had been talking about how we were going to get together to watch the football game between Peru and Costa Rica. Just a couple days before had also been the football game between Peru and Ecuador. And before then was the game between Peru and the US. Every time, we had met up at my friend Daniela's house to watch the games. So that was the plan for this game, too.
Because it didn't start until later and I wanted to change clothes, I first went home. There I ate lunch and relaxed some with my family before I headed off.
I rod the buses all the way to the village from my house. As I was getting off of the first bus, my friend Daniela texted the group chat and said she wasn't going to be able to host at her house because she was leaving with her family. Well darn. I had just arrived and had no where to go.
Because most of my friends and classmates live in the military village, I figured I could go crash at somebody's house if they knew I was in the village alone at night. So I waited for 20 minutes for people to start responding, and nobody ever did. I then remembered that my friend, Kate, was going to our friend Martin's house for the game, and that he also lives in the village. So I gave a her a call to see if I could crash with them, but they weren't in the village. They were actually at Kate's house in Miraflores, which is about 20 minutes, more or less, away from the village. Because nobody in my class group chat had responded to me yet, I decided I would just ride the bus to Kate's house. It took me awhile to finally make that decision, because I knew it would take a while to get there, and I knew I had to be home by a certain time.
After figuring out where to go, I ended up on a bus to Miraflores. We were going to meet up in Parque Kennedy. Parque Kennedy is a park that was named after John F. Kennedy (yes, a US President), and is popular for having an abundance of cats the linger throughout the park. I was on the bus for probably 20 minutes until I finally arrived. By this time, my classmates had finally started responding to me and were wondering where I went. it was kind of fun messing around with them like "oh yeah, I went to Miraflores, yeah I'm alone." So then I got to Parque Kennedy, and ended up waiting for Kate and Martin to arrive for another 10 minutes because they got stuck in traffic.
Finally we were all together and ready to have a good time. We did all sorts of things. We first got some ice cream at McDonald's, which was fantastic as always. Then we went to a nearby restaurant that was playing the game on a tv. People were flocked around this place. It was very hot and dense. But it was cool. There were people doing all sorts of stuff in celebration of the game too. You would think it was some sort of cult.
After watching the game for a while, we left to go do some shopping. We went to Ripley and looked around there for a while, and then Kate and I went to a dress shop to look at prom dresses. Kate already had her prom dress, so we looked at some things for me. It was also nice having Martin there to give an outside opinion too. We looked around there for a while just thinking of ideas for a prom dress- because I had no idea what I wanted.
After a while of looking, the game was starting to end and I had to head home. We all had a great time together. even though the night didn't go as planned, I definitely wouldn't have wanted it any other way.