I have spent a whole lot of this summer being a chauffer. I love driving and driving people around, but at the same time these growing...
Trip to Chicago
Right now I am on my way home from Chicago. Now you might be thinking, how nice, a little trip to Chicago before I leave right? No. I had...
Vaccine Fun
Many a shot have gotten in the last couple weeks. Because I am going to South America, where there are many diseases I do not want, I...
Keeping up with Blog Posts
It has been a long while since I last updated this blog. It's hard to keep up with when you're busy... I last talked on here about the...
I "Got" Mono
Since summer began, I have been feeling quite under the weather. I have been sleeping a lot and not eating much, and those symptoms only...
Ava's Bon Voyage Party
My good friend and foreign exchange partner, Ava, is headed off to Indial, Brazil next year while I will be spending my time in Lima,...
Learning Hoosier Stuff
Before I leave, I figured it would be a good idea to learn some basic Hoosier things that I don't already know. Those 2 things were chess...
4th of July of the 7th of July
This year I didn't get to go all out for Independence Day, but that's ok. I celebrated with my family a few days after on the 7th of...
Lake Days
A very Hoosier way to spend the summers is at the lake. I love going to lakes and hanging out between swimming and boats and all the fun...
My friends lighten my life and bring so much excitement into it in ways that nobody else I know could! They do this by the amount of...
Children's Church
Something that was real blessing for me to do while being a part of my church was teaching Children's Church. Over the summer, I got to...
Rotary Party
My last encounters with Rotary (that don't have to do with exchange) were a party and a meeting. The party was hosted my some wonderful...
Risky Business
One thing I HAVE to do before I leave is play one last awesome game of Risk. I'm hoping to play it with some of my skilled friends after...
A Day of Pointless Paperwork
Attaining a visa and all of the paperwork that goes into a year abroad is no piece of cake, let me tell you. And it's especially...