My last encounters with Rotary (that don't have to do with exchange) were a party and a meeting.
The party was hosted my some wonderful Rotarians, John and Aileen Meier. It was a lovely party they put together to celebrate the transition of a new club president. The evening was fun filled between the delicious food and relaxing pontoon rides. Ava and I had the wonderful opportunity of getting to talk about the exchange program and how wonderful it is to Amelia, a future foreign exchange student. We had so much fun getting to discuss the program and how passionate about it we had grown to become. It's exciting how far we have both come since we first got accepted.
I also attended my last Rotary meeting. I didn't think it would be my last Rotary meeting, but it was. I'm going to miss getting to go to all of those meetings and see everybody. I always had a good time and felt so welcomed by my Rotary club. They also fed me very well... they kept me coming back around with that delicious food that was always there. The last meeting, the new president discussed the history of our club since 2019 will be its 100th anniversary. It's so cool that I get to see such a big milestone in my club's history.
Even though my time with my sponsoring Rotary club is over, it's now time to make new beginnings with my host Rotary club.