This post is only going to be the beginning of my elaboration on the Calvin College Conference in Grand Rapids Michigan. It went all day last Friday, yes it was Friday the 13th, to Sunday morning.
First of all, we got there late... surprise surprise… but we made it in time for the opening ceremony! The conference was filled with many speakers who had incredible things to say about Rotary and how we can all change the world as Rotary Youth Exchange students.
I gained so much out of the conference over the weekend. The best thing was probably getting to talk to my new friend, Delaney, who lives in my district (6540) and just got back from Lima! We had talked a few times while she was living in Peru, but now I actually got to see her and talk to her all about Peru. I learned so much from her and definitely took in all of her wisdom.
I got to meet SO many people from all over the world. It was such a great learning experience and opportunity. I spent a lot of time with my fellow outbound friends as well, and all we could think about was how excited we were to go on our exchange and how happy we were for each other. Now that the weekend is over, it's time to get to the real experience- exchange!