Many a shot have gotten in the last couple weeks. Because I am going to South America, where there are many diseases I do not want, I have had to get quite a few vaccines. Way back in November when I was still technically applying for the exchange program, I got my meningitis shot just to get it over with. From that point, all of my shots I would need were taken care of. Or so I thought… A couple weeks ago, I went back to the doctor for my first time since then to get a check-up, and because everyone thought I was sick. There, I got my first hepatitis shot and an oral vaccine for typhoid. Because we thought I had mono, I got tested for that. And I do not have it, which I was quite disappointed by because that means all my symptoms are probably just stress related.
To finish off my shots, I had to go to a clinic in Indianapolis. That was my Monday adventure, and also something I found out over the weekend. I had to get my yellow fever shot. I also got a prescription of a malaria vaccine, but I’ll have to take it with me to Peru. I’m supposed to take it 2 days before exposure, and take it while being exposed. We had to lie about when I was leaving so that way I could get those vaccines, which I didn’t particularly like doing but you got to do what you got to do. And with that, I am totally and completely vaccinated for a hopefully safe and healthy exchange.