Caroline BoydAug 22, 20182 min readFood... situationsAfter being I Peru for a while, and not having American food a while, I had started in craving American food. When I went out with my...
Caroline BoydAug 16, 20184 min readFirst Week of SchoolSo... I have gotten through my first week of school. Last week I had 4 days of actual classes (Monday-Thursday), because we had a...
Caroline BoydAug 11, 20182 min readSpanish ClassesToday I started my first Spanish class with Rotary here in Peru. I had to get up around 6:00, leave around 7:30, and then get to my class...
Caroline BoydJul 29, 20183 min readMeeting the Other Half of my Very Large FamilyOnce Hillary had been dropped off at the airport on Saturday, there were many other activities that my host parents had planned for the...
Caroline BoydJul 27, 20184 min readMeeting 1 Half of my Very Large FamilyI have found out since being here in Lima, that I have a very large family here. And they all consider me a part of their family! Even...
Caroline BoydJul 25, 20184 min readLosing my Passport in Atlanta I probably shouldn’t be making a post about this just because it is so embarrassing and irresponsible; but at the same time, even if you...
Caroline BoydJul 20, 20181 min read3 Days...I leave in 3 days! I'm going to be honest, as excited as I am, I have never been more stressed. But I've done it all to myself. I had to...
Caroline BoydJul 20, 20181 min readMoviesSomething I have spent a lot of time doing recently is watching movies, particularly with my boyfriend, Jesse. His goal for before I left...
Caroline BoydJul 20, 20181 min readPacking...My biggest mistake made throughout this process? Procrastinating packing... As I've been keeping up with all of these blogs, I've been...