My biggest mistake made throughout this process? Procrastinating packing...
As I've been keeping up with all of these blogs, I've been listening/watching packing videos on YouTube for a year abroad. I leave in 3 days and I haven't packed one thing yet or decided what I'm even going to pack yet...
Even though I haven't started packing, I have gotten everything I will need to pack. I got a lot of clothes (that I probably won't need) while I was in Chicago, and got some toiletries and other necessities yesterday.
I have 2 bags that I can check, one carry on and one personal item. My plan right now is to use 1 of my checked bags for clothes; including a prom dress... that's one thing I still need to get... my other bag will have host family gifts and other necessities. For my carry on, I'll put in spares of everything just so I have something. And my personal item will just be my backpack filled with anything I could need throughout my travels.
My goal is to pack tomorrow, since I will not have time to today. Wish me luck!