Yesterday I spent my first day here in Lima! It was a very relaxing day and we didn't do much of anything, which I was totally fine with.
First, I woke up around 8 am, and got up to go eat breakfast. My host mom, Jacinta, made a bowl with some fruit, yogurt, and other sauce that was kind of chocolatey, but I wasn't much of a fan. I also had some tea and dry cereal that was actually quite tasty. After that, I sat in the living room for a little bit and watched the news. Later on, I got ready and took a shower. I had to wait to take a shower since there's a water heater you have to turn on before you take a shower- if you want a hot shower at least. It takes about half an hour for it to heat up enough water for a nice shower.
By around 11 am, there was a parade going on outside. Peruvian Independence Day is this weekend on the 28th, so there are many celebrations going on. Right outside of the apartment, and nearby school put on a show and parade they must have been practicing for a long time. It was really cool, and very cute! It definitely allowed for a little taste of the culture. Another foreign exchange student temporarily here, Sarah, and I, watched the parade all the way through. Hillary, my host sister, was at school until about noon, and she watched with us once she got home.
Around 2 pm, we all ate lunch together. I had my first outing in Peru outside of the airport and the house! The 3 of us girls went about half a block away to get some Coca Cola to drink with our lunch. We had a stuffed chicken breast, which was delicious, white rice and some vegetables. The rice was just rice, and the vegetables were different. It was made up of broccoli, green beans, and carrots, which are some of my favorite vegetables. Except they had been seasoned with something sour. All I could think about while I was eating them was how I was gonna eat the super good chicken next.
After lunch, we cleaned up some kept relaxing for the day. Both of my host parents took off for the afternoon, and it was just us girls for the day. We did a lot of learning Spanish. Sarah is already really good at Spanish, and has been translating a lot for me if I don't understand something one of my host parents says to me. She also translates some for them if they don't understand something I say. Hillary is also really good at English, so having the both of them around to help me learn Spanish is great! I didn't retain much from yesterday, but it certainly helped. To help out more with learning Spanish, we listened to some music. Hillary showed us what was popular here in Peru, and Sarah and I showed her what was popular back in the states. It was mostly Sarah showing her what was popular, because I don't really know what music is popular back in the states. I live in my own little world as far as music goes. While we listened and talked about music and tv shows, we all spent some time on our computers. I was apparently supposed to make a presentation about my life in the United States for my host club, so while I did that they made edits to presentations they had already created. I also put up my blog post I wrote on the plane.
Soon after, Sarah and I started watching "13 Reasons Why" while Hillary went in the kitchen to make a traditional desert called arroz y leche, which is just rice and milk. They both made me watch the tv show since I had never seen it and they both loved it. We eventually got to eating our desert, and it was pretty good. It wasn't by favorite, but a lot better than what I was anticipating. A little after that, my host parents got home and it was around 8 pm.
We watched some more tv, and I was ready to go to bed around 8:30. I went to bed around 9:15 and stayed up in my bed for a little bit looking at stuff on my tablet. I finally went to sleep around 10 pm.
My first day wasn't a super eventful day, but it was a good day!
