I have found out since being here in Lima, that I have a very large family here. And they all consider me a part of their family! Even though I have a hard time communicating with them... and look a lot different.
Speaking of looking different, I haven't gotten half the attention I thought I was gonna get. Doesn't really matter, I am human like the rest of the people here. Even though I was looking forward to thinking there was, there is nothing special about me.
First, on Friday, I met a lot of my mom, Jacinta's, family. They first came to the house around 1 pm on Friday. I slept in super late on Friday, so my parents, Hillary, and Sarah were gone by the time I woke up; but Jahir was still home. I ate my breakfast, which was a fried egg, yogurt, and bread. After eating, I got on the computer for a little bit to do some blogging, but by the time I started doing anything my family came over.
It was very unexpected and I was surprised to see them. It was great meeting them and they were so nice! My cousins would be Melissa (17), Anita (10), and Sophia (1). They were so nice to be around, and I hung out with them yesterday, too. Anita is going to an English school, and she is very good at it! I was very impressed by her speaking skills.
They left after a while, and it was just me and Jahir again until everyone else came home. When they came home, we went to another cousins house to eat almuerzo. Almuerzo isn't really lunch, but it's their big meal for the day that is eaten around 2-3 pm. I believe one of them was the sibling of my host dad, Richard. There I met my cousin, Stephanie (17), who I will be going to the movies with sometime soon! They prepared a delicious meal for us, definitely my favorite since I've been here. We had rotisserie chicken, French fries, some type of sauce, and another potato chicken thing that tasted really good. And Inca Kola! It was my first time having it since I got here! Inca Kola is probably my favorite soda besides Fanta (which is also very popular here), and I hadn't had it in 2 years since I last came to Peru! I was so happy to drink some Inca Kola!
Once we were done eating, it was back to practicing Spanish! And eating ice cream, which also made me very happy. Except this time I said some bad words... I never say "necklace" in Spanish because I'm always nervous the wrong thing is gonna come out, even though I know which word is the bad one. I just now looked up the word in Google translate. It wouldn't be that bad in America, but I guess it is here.
After a while of that, it was time to leave. We went back home and finished getting Hillary all packed up. We then prepared for her party. All the cousins that were there earlier came, and many more. There were probably 20 people. They were all Jacinta's relatives, and it wasn't even all of them! Many cousins and aunts and uncles. It was a great party and getting to meet them all. My host mom also made some ham and cheese sandwiches that were really good. There wasn't anything special about them, but I liked them a lot. She also made us pancakes for dinner. We had her make them while we were making our list of food just to see if they're different here than they are in the States. They're not any different.
Sarah and I got to spend a lot of time with Hillary before she left as well. We told her things about what she can expect in the states, but also how different it might be. We made her a list of food she has tot try while she's in the United States, and it ended up taking 2 pages. I didn't realize how diverse the amount of food we have is until I started writing down all the stuff that they don't have here. Sarah is from Illinois, I'm from Indiana, and Hillary is in Arizona. The city she is going to is also a lot bigger than the small towns we come from. She couldn't believe us when we told her that her city of 50,000 people was kind of big. She also couldn't believe that I came from a city of 9,000 people and Sarah comes from a city of 17,000 people. That's normal where we come from, but not here. In Lake Havasu City, she's around a lot of big cities though, like Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. But they're all at least 3 hours away, so maybe not... The party kept going for a while, but Sarah and I were getting tired, so we went to bed. We had an early morning coming our way!