This updating the blog thing is a lot to keep up with... mostly because my fingers don't like to type as fast as my brain would like them to and I can't use my school computer to edit my blog because it's blocked!?!?
Like usual, life has been super busy recently, but I like it that way. Now 2 weeks ago (March 3) was the Rotary Outbound Conference, which was a very crucial event in preparations for my exchange. It was a busy day since I had to perform for a show choir competition that morning while my parents were already at the conference, then drive myself there. It was exhausting but I made it there and had a great time!
When I got there, I made it just in time for lunch, which gave me a great opportunity to converse with all these great people I mostly hadn't seen since December. Even though we have a group chat where we've all been keeping up with each other and how our exchange processes are going, it was great to talk about all of these exciting things going on in our lives.
After lunch was a long series of necessary meetings, which I got a lot of useful information from even though it was difficult to keep myself from drowsing off. I may or may not have fallen asleep then got called out on it later in the day... After the meetings, it was time for DINNER, which I was so excited for. Like the last conference, we all had to bring in a dish and why we brought it. I brought a s'mores brownie, which I knew was going to be what I would bring right when I found the recipe online. Although I was still nervous how it would turn out since I'd never made it before (it was good!). Brownies + s'mores, I don't think it gets more American than that! It was a fantastic meal and I got to try so many new things, especially from the dessert table... because I got dessert first, a plan I still stick by because the desserts were hecking good. "Hecking" is not actually a word, but I use it in my everyday vocabulary, so why not put it in my blog?
After dinner was the Talent Show and Video Extravaganza, which was so fun. I was super unprepared for and had to quickly find a good YouTube video about Peru, and it must have been a good video because watching it made me even more excited about my trip! Everyone had great content to share about their countries and show off their talents, which I applaud because I was not brave enough to go up and put something together for everyone. After sharing each others blogs at the end (even though we've all seen each others blogs), there was a lot of trivia and challenges on the English language. English is pretty messed up, but I feel like it's reasonably understandable since even us Americans screw it up every single day. Maybe I just notice it because I'm a Grammar Nazi.
The next morning, after having a delicious breakfast, there were even more meetings... Although, I was much more prepared for these meetings than I was the day before, so it was all good. It's a lot of information they throw at you in a short period of time, that can get kind of overwhelming, but I'm finding it's so crucial to successfully prepare for what is such a big step. At the end of all these meetings, as much as I wanted it to be over, I was really sad because that meant it was time to go home. After telling my parents to go away, I stayed some for the sad hugs and goodbyes that come with these events, and prepared myself for what was a tiring yet leisure ride home.
Until the April State Conference...

Here's only a few of my pals... (left to right)
Wasa (going to France), Autumn (going to Taiwan), Enrico (from Italy)), Alicia (going to Germany), Dez (going to Hungary), Edward (going to Argentina), Cajus (from Germany), Madeleine (from Belgium), Me (going to Peru), Grace (going to Italy), Ollie (going to Romania)