In Spanish, despedida is basically goodbye or farewell, so I suppose one could call this by goodbye party; but it doesn't sound as good, so I'm just going to stick with despedida.
My despedida was really great. Stressful to pull together, but great. The party was going to just be mine, but then it also turned into my friends Lukas' party last minute. I already have to share everything with him between our host families, so I was expecting it to turn out that way. With that, I was expecting more people to come than actually did, but that's ok. I think it was better that way in the long run. Either way, I still so much fun and got to spend a great time with many of my closest friends.

It was with the help of my host mom and host sister that it turned out to be a great party. They made all of the decorations and food, and I set everything up outside. It all came out so cute in the end and there was lots for people to snack on. It was all in our garage with the decorations up on one of the walls. There was the sign my host mom made, Lukas' German flag and my American flag, as well as many other cute things we made to add more to it. Later on we put the table in front of it that had the Peruvian flag set with all of the food. Being with my family and friends and playing music put lots of fun into all of the work.
First came many of my exchange friends, and then later on all of my Peruvian friends.
After the party, I stayed up even later with my family like I normally do. We all recovered by spending some time together after all of the festivities. By the end of it all, it was a great way to say "see you later" to many people and spend quality time.