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Goodbye Kate

Writer's picture: Caroline BoydCaroline Boyd

One of the hardest parts of my exchange probably had to be saying goodbye to one of my best friends, Kate.

If you've kept up with my blog you probably know who Kate is. If you read my first blog post ever that I wrote in Peru, you might know that we came to Peru on the same flight from Atlanta to Lima. I still remember it so vividly when we met each other in the airport in Atlanta. She came up to say hi to me while we were waiting for our flight (she knew I was another exchange student because of our blazers) and I thought who the heck is this weird Mormon girl from Nebraska that I do not know. My friend Taylor was also on that flight, but I didn't see her until we were at the airport in Lima. I remember them both being together and trying to talk to me in the airport in Lima at the baggage claim and me running away with my bags because I didn't know them and really figured I'd never see them again. Ha, little did I know those were 2 of my future best friends I would spend almost every day with! I just can't believe how one of the best friendships I've ever had developed out of that. Crazy how life works. Don't be a bad exchange student like me and do dumb stuff like that!

From that point to the time Kate had to leave, 10 months had passed. That afternoon, all of the other exchange students and I had gotten back from our last Rotary trip to Ica, but Kate didn't go. My friend Kata and I went from the bus station, went home to drop off our suitcases, then my host mom took us to the airport. The entire drive there all I could think about was how I couldn't believe that it was already time for Kate to go, and we were all very sad about it. The last 10 months had flown by so fast.

When we got to the airport, she wasn't there yet. I went away on my own a little after and decided to go look for her by the check in, and I did and I hung out with her there to have my last moment alone with her even though I wasn't supposed to be there. Soon after, our friend Claudia came too, and then Kata came over to join us. Kate got her bags checked, and we went to go find her host families that were waiting for her. The next 30 minutes were spent saying our goodbyes. Something Kate, Claudia and I had been trying to do was get friendship necklaces, but we never did. While I was gone on the trip, Kate and Claudia went out and got them so at the airport we all had our necklaces together.

After all of our hugs and pictures, it was time for her to go so she could make her flight. She went through security and just like that she was gone... The drive home was very silent.

The next day, Kate called Claudia and I to show us that she got home safe and sound and was with her family. As much as she did not want to go home, I think she's happy. I know I'll be happy to see her again soon, she's only a 9 hour drive away...

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2018 by Caroline Boyd

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