My 17th birthday was truly one to remember.
After having a great surprise birthday party with my friends, I had my birthday party with my family the next day on my birthday.
It was a great day! I woke up and video chatted with my mom, and got to watch my sisters' marching band performance. I was so happy to see and talk to them.
For the majority of the day, my host family was out of the house getting things for the party while I was home, so as a birthday treat I made myself some Kraft mac and cheese. And I did it right this time without leaving the stove gas on... Unlike the last time...
Later on, I got ready, and my family started coming. My host parents really went all out with some fantastic decorations and treats. I took pictures with everyone in front of it.
The night was full of time spent with family. Talking, dancing, everything. Many of them were so sweet to give me gifts. Particularly, the president of my Rotary club came and gave a book to collect all of the special edition 1 sol coins in Peru. From my host parents, they gave me a beautiful silver llama necklace. I had absolutely great time with my family!